
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The driving factor

As the cool breeze of the winter fades away only to be replaced with the heat, the humidity and the desert winds, it only reminds me of one thing that summer is coming and the beach is going to get packed, shirts are falling off and the whole buzz is about the summer body.
in this modern age there isn’t one of us who haven’t thought to have a decent pair of abs to show off in the summer, girls and guys alike
Over the years of different training principles and being in a weight range of 60kg to 75kg fluctuating with a body fat as low as 6% to 20% I thought to myself, let’s do something different, something more challenging and fun.
I took to my pen and paper and began to jot down the points, the elements I need to work on. The challenges that will obstruct this divine purpose of sculpting within me a masterpiece physique for summer.
First I decided on the date June 30th 2016.thats 60 days nearly 8 weeks that is nearly 5270400 seconds and counting down. I thought to myself that’s interesting, plenty of time. Enough to make a change. But the downfall is whenever we think we have more time we relax, we get into a comfort zone and before you know the days are gone by and the scales haven’t tipped into our favor. Now how many can relate to that.
time to get started

I rushed to my cupboard to make sure I have the right supplements to support me on my quest.
Now came the most difficult part, what I want to achieve by the end of the 59th day. Is it just that I want to look good, get my wash board abs, or do I need more. More and use this as a stepping board to get me to the next level.
desires and options are endless but I don’t want to be a wanderer lost, I want to channel my focus and energy to the one goal of getting the summer physique.
 So now it’s time to put away those wine glasses and get the game face on. Where dont's turns to do and cannot become can. where shall turns into will. Believe in your mind and the body will follow.

do not be tempted

I knew there had to be HIIT sessions(HighIntensityIntervalTraining), mobility and flexibility drill to keep me away from injuries.
there had to be some old school bodybuilding routines to sculpt the muscles I want to them to be seen.
Then came the hardest part of time management.
Were to put in the workouts, the rest phase, the mobility drills and the HIIT routines,Do my daily chores,Train my clients etc.

As the saying goes Rome wasn’t built in a day but they had to start somewhere and everyday things where accomplished.
Follow me on my daily quest to achieve a dream physique, be part of my success
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